by Mark Fogelberg
So, the world's biggest marketer walks into sports' biggest arena with a stain on a shirt...
Unlike in the actual game surrounding the ads, this year's Commercial Bowl had quite a few winners. It's fun to see how industry insiders tastes align with average consumers.
Let's forget rankings, though, and concentrate on gibberish.
Tide's ad for the loud mouthed, gibberish spewing talking stain had me transfixed:
Today I made it to the site that enhances the buy. While spending quality, market research time on the site, I have to hand it to the masters at P&G. They have a giveaway and rather than mess around with something small, they give away 10,000 prizes each day! Lesson learned: if you want to leverage a large (give or take $2.7mm) investment - if you want to integrate to deliver - deliver BIG. 10,000 winners per day = 10,000 happy people thinking "I'm a winner" rather than the typical promo "many will enter; few will win".
Normally not one to jump into the the user-generated fray, I jumped because I want that Tide t-shirt they're giving away. Why? I don't know. Perhaps... their advertising affected my brand perception and future consumption pattern?
Tide...I mean...time to go.
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