By Will Waugh
We have heard about how a number of objects are killer apps - video, Firefox, love. I personally believe that content is the killer app, whether it's video, audio, the written word, photos, etc. At the ANA, we have been able to utilize the written word alone across multiple channels, most recently with our partnership with Yahoo Advertising. We are looking to "go digital" with our intellectual capital business and take advantage of the long tail - selling less of more.
Here are the lessons I have learned:
- Content -- in this case white papers, case studies, summaries -- are exceptional marketing tools. Recently a non-member of the ANA found some work we had done on Procurement and Marketing relationships via search, saw the value in our array of offerings and joined our organization.
- Split it up in as many ways as possible - With the multiple channels, sites, communities people are a part of online - why not have the same piece of content or a clip or summary in a lot of different places? I plan on taking our upcoming Trends in Agency Compensation and making it available in dozens of different formats, lengths and languages.
- People demand things when they want it and how they want it. For a membership organization, just like any client serving organization, why not give it to them their way? I have had members buy a piece of content from us that we had delivered to them previously for free. Get it in their hands in as many ways as possible.
- Partnerships are crucial - Don't stay out on an island or think that your stuff is so good people will seek you out. Share a little. Collaborate a little.
- More content creates more opportunity for people to share and talk about you. Ultimately, isn't that the most valauable component of all? (It has to be worth talking about of course)
Technorati tags: content killer app marketing
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