I enjoyed finishing Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval's book Bang! over the weekend and was struck by many great stories and ideas they discussed. (Disclaimer: Linda is speaking at our Annual Masters of Marketing Conference in October). These two, whose agency brought us the AFLAC Duck and Herbal Essence's "Totally Organic Experience," have strong feelings about how ideas fit into the corporate structure:
Nowhere is the need to lose the vision thing greater than in marketing. The consumer is a moving target, and in order to capture his or her imagination you must be open to every possibility. A specific vision for your company or brand today could easily be outdated tomorrow.
Take a look at what HP has done that follows this thinking, using viral marketing with their sponsorship of the World Cup. JP Morgan, an 'old school' markerter, offers podcast tips on Building Business in Asia (see press release and podcast).
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